Bird B Gone BNDB0600 Bird Net Drill Bit


6.0 mm x 100 mm
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Details: Bird B Gone BNDB0600 Bird Net Drill Bit

SDS Drill Bits penetrate up to 50% faster than standard masonry drill bits, significantly reducing time wasted on projects. Bird B Gone offers SDS Drill Bits in seven different sizes starting from 5.0mm up to 14.0mm diameters. Drilling into concrete, brick, block, stone or other masonry surfaces becomes quick and easy.


  • Use when working with stone, brick or masonry type surfaces
  • Available in 7 different sizes to accommodate any job
  • Drills 50% faster than standard masonry drill bits


5.0 mm x 100 mm, 6.0 mm x 100 mm, 6.5 mm x 100 mm, 8 mm x 100 mm, 10 mm x 100 mm, 12 mm x 100 mm, 14 mm x 100 mm


  • Public Buildings & Facilities
  • Commercial & Industrial Buildings
  • Government & Military Facilities
  • Retail & Strip Malls
  • Multifamily & Mixed-Use

Available Model Numbers and Combinations

Model/SKU Attributes
BNDB0500 5.0 mm x 100 mm
BNDB0600 6.0 mm x 100 mm
BNDB0650 6.5 mm x 100 mm
BNDB0800 8 mm x 100 mm
BNDB0100 10 mm x 100 mm
BNDB0120 12 mm x 100 mm
BNDB0140 14 mm x 100 mm


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Bird B Gone BNDB0600 Bird Net Drill Bit

Bird B Gone BNDB0600 Bird Net Drill Bit