Lockey ED63 Edge Panic Shield Security Kit View larger


Lockey ED63B7 Edge Panic Shield Security Kit


Black - Panic Shield, Detex V-40xEBxWx711 Black Weatherized Alarm Panic Bar, ED-SB Strike Bracket, ED-GB200 Gate Box, 285-P Keyl
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Details: Lockey ED63B7 Edge Panic Shield Security Kit

Kit Includes:

Edge Style Panic Shield

Edge Style Strike Bracket

285P Keyless Keypad Lock

Edge Style 285P Gate Box

Edge Style Max Guard

Edge Style Latch Protector

Jamb Stop

PB2500 33" Panic Bar


Panic Shield Dimensions
24" L x (28" -54") W x 1/2" D
Strike Bracket Dimensions
4 1/2" L x 3 1/2" W x 1 1/4" D
Latch Protector Dimensions
23 1/2" L x 6" W x 2 1/2" D
Jamb Stop Dimensions
5" L x 2" W x 1/4" D
Max Guard Dimensions
26" L x 4 3/4" W x 3/4" D
Lock Gate Box Dimensions (PSGB200)
7" L x 1 3/4" W x 1 1/2" D
Lock Dimensions (285P)
5 1/2" L x 1 5/8" W x 2 1/4" D
Panic Bar Length
33" (36" Doors) or 42" (48" Doors)


  • Public Buildings & Facilities
  • Commercial & Industrial Buildings
  • Government & Military Facilities
  • Retail & Strip Malls
  • Multifamily & Mixed-Use


Available Model Numbers and Combinations

Model/SKU Attributes
ED63S Silver - Panic Shield, Detex V-40xEBxW Weatherized Alarm Panic Bar,ED-SB Strike Bracket, ED-GB200 Gate Box, 285-P Keyless Panic
ED63SL Silver - Panic Shield, Detex V-40xEBxWx48 42" Weatherized Alarm Panic Bar, ED-SB Strike Bracket, ED-GB200 Gate Box, 285-P Keyles
ED63S7 Silver - Panic Shield, Detex V-40xEBxWx711 Black Weatherized Alarm Panic Bar, ED-SB Strike Bracket, ED-GB200 Gate Box, 285-P Key
ED63SL7 Silver - Panic Shield, Detex V-40xEBxWx711x48 42" Black Weatherized Alarm Panic Bar, ED-SB Strike Bracket, ED-GB200 Gate Box, 28
ED63B Black - Panic Shield, Detex V-40xEBxW Weatherized Alarm Panic Bar,ED-SB Strike Bracket, ED-GB200 Gate Box, 285-P Keyless Panic T
ED63BL Black - Panic Shield, Detex V-40xEBxWx48 42" Weatherized Alarm Panic Bar, ED-SB Strike Bracket, ED-GB200 Gate Box, 285-P Keyless
ED63B7 Black - Panic Shield, Detex V-40xEBxWx711 Black Weatherized Alarm Panic Bar, ED-SB Strike Bracket, ED-GB200 Gate Box, 285-P Keyl
ED63BL7 Black - Panic Shield, Detex V-40xEBxWx711x48 42" Black Weatherized Alarm Panic Bar, ED-SB Strike Bracket, ED-GB200 Gate Box, 285


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Lockey ED63B7 Edge Panic Shield Security Kit

Lockey ED63B7 Edge Panic Shield Security Kit

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