6350-1LW - Arm and Track Assembly


Arm and Assembly
Arm Assembly, Left Hand
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Details: 6350-1LW - Arm and Track Assembly

The Norton 6300 Series Low Energy Operator offers a broad set of intelligent functions, such as power close, latch assist and obstruction detection to safely secure a variety of moderate to high traffic openings. A unique design with one of the slimmest profiles available allows the 6300 to blend more seamlessly with the frame while fitting challenging applications with minimal header space. A modular design, simple controls, and new wifi interface via a mobile device make for easy installation and setup.


  • Public Buildings & Facilities
  • Commercial & Industrial Buildings
  • Government & Military Facilities
  • Retail & Strip Malls
  • Multifamily & Mixed-Use

Available Model Numbers and Combinations

Model/SKU Attributes
6350-1LW Arm Assembly, Left Hand
6350-1R Double Egress Arm, Right Hand (6351, 6352)
6350-1RW Arm Assembly, Right Hand
6310-1 Arm and Track Assembly (6311, 6312)
6310-1W Arm Assembly
7100-1T Track Assembly
6330-1 Arm Assembly (6331, 6332)
6330-1W Main Arm and Rod
6620-12 Adjusting Tube and Shoe
6350-1L Double Egress Arm, Left Hand (6351, 6352)


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 6350-1LW - Arm and Track Assembly

6350-1LW - Arm and Track Assembly

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