PBB 4B8245  Heavy Weight 4 Ball Bearing 4.5" Steel Hinge, Half Mortise View larger

PBB Architectural

4B8245-641 Heavy Weight 4 Ball Bearing 4.5" Steel Hinge, Half Mortise


Antique Bronze, Lacquered
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Details: 4B8245-641 Heavy Weight 4 Ball Bearing 4.5" Steel Hinge, Half Mortise

PBB, Inc. template hinges are manufactured to close tolerances and meet all specifications and requirements set by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).


  • For heavy weight hollow metal doors with channel iron jambs receiving high frequency service
  • Equipped with four lubricated non-detachable ball bearings
  • All hinges are ANSI template

Available Model Numbers and Combinations

Model/SKU Attributes
4B8245-PC Prime Coat
4B8245-800 Dull Black
4B8245-695 CO-Lacquer, Dark
4B8245-652 Satin Chrome
4B8245-633 Dull Brass
4B8245-639 Dull Bronze
4B8245-646 Dull Nickel Plated
4B8245-638 Dull Brass, Oxidized
4B8245-640 Dark Antique Bronze
4B8245-641 Antique Bronze, Lacquered
4B8245-647 Nickel Oxidized Relieved
4B8245-632 Bright Brass
4B8245-645 Bright Nickel Plated
4B8245-651 Bright Chromium


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 4B8245-641  Heavy Weight 4 Ball Bearing 4.5" Steel Hinge, Half Mortise

4B8245-641 Heavy Weight 4 Ball Bearing 4.5" Steel Hinge, Half Mortise

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