Schwinn Hardware 53472 4398 2-Piece Circular Cable Grommet


Matte Chrome
Hole Size
Medium (2 3/8 in)
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Details: Schwinn Hardware 53472 4398 2-Piece Circular Cable Grommet


Schwinn Hardware features a versatile family of quality polished chrome cable grommets. A Schwinn original design.
  • Material: Zamak
  • Cable Grip: Rubber Star Cut
  • Cap Fit: Twist Lock
  • Fully Recyclable
  • Ships in 24 hours


Available Model Numbers and Combinations

Model/SKU Attributes
53468 Bright Chrome, Small (2")
53471 Bright Chrome, Medium (2 3/8 in)
53474 Bright Chrome, Large (3 5/32")
53469 Matte Chrome, Small (2")
53472 Matte Chrome, Medium (2 3/8 in)
53475 Matte Chrome, Large (3 5/32")
59164 Satin Nickel, Small (2")
59167 Satin Nickel, Medium (2 3/8 in)
59131 Satin Nickel, Large (3 5/32")


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Schwinn Hardware 53472 4398 2-Piece Circular Cable Grommet

Schwinn Hardware 53472 4398 2-Piece Circular Cable Grommet

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